Hi, thanks for stopping by 'Small Miracles'. I'm Kim aka Kim's Scrappin'. Last week on my blog, I had mentioned that my daughter's house had burnt. I was so very touched by all of the caring people that left comments on my blog, at 4shared and by sending me emails. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes! So many ask if they could help in some way. Vee of Veelana's Design's offered to help put together a charity kit with the proceeds to go to my daughter and her family. Several designers had contacted me saying they wanted to help. So Small Miracles was born.
Now let me tell you a little bit about what happened.
On Friday morning March 28, my daughter called to tell me her house was burning. She was understandably upset! She was at home with 2 of their 5 children. She was cooking breakfast for them, when the stove caught on fire. She got the 2 children out, called the fire department, and tried to go back in and fight the fire herself. The smoke was too much so she went back outside with the children to wait. It was at this time that she called me.
We live in a small area with a volunteer fire department. They live out in the country, about 10 miles from the fire station. By the time they got there, and got the fire put out, what the fire didn't get, the smoke and water did. They lost all of their material things, except for the clothes on their backs, and they were still dressed in their PJ's. But no-one was hurt! For which I thank God. I would also like to say thank you to all of the members of our fire department, who do volunteer their time to try and fight the fires in our area.
Yes they did have insurance, but everything takes time to be resolved. Right now my daughter is having to try and itemize everything that was in the home. Can you imagine, trying to remember everything that is in your home? They are a family of two adults and five children, who range in age from 17-4, that is a lot of personal belongings. I've learned that it might be a good idea to take pictures of each and every room of your homes, paying close attention to what is in the rooms as well. Then store them somewhere else. Might make it a little easier in situations such as this.
I believe in scrapping the bad as well as the good parts of our lives. I have scrapped some of the photos that were made after the fire. There will be a second LO made to go beside this one, after everything is cleaned up and they have a new home. Let this LO be a reminder to everyone to check your batteries in your smoke detectors. Always be aware of what could happen, it does happen quick!

Descriptions of what you see here...
the photo on the left is a ceiling fan, you can also see the remains of curtains over the window
the top photo is an air-conditioner that was in the window (center)
under that is a photo of the outside of the house (center)
top photo is what is left of some family photos that were on the wall (right)
middle photo is the floor of the house the way it looks now (right)
bottom photo shows the fridge, that is the insulation (or whatever they have inside the doors) that you can see sticking out. (right)
Warmth kit by Nikki McGilberry
Flames Overlay by Kara Jones
In The Zone template by Teriann Hanks
font used is Flame
If you are a designer and would like to help with this kit, your help would be greatly appreciated.
The theme is Small Miracles, this is the color scheme. Just click on the swatch to get it.

If you need anymore information feel free to contact me or Vee. If you are interested in purchasing this kit, keep an eye out here, or on Vee's blog and mine for when it will be ready.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Is this for any designer?
I mean, there are a lot of us that only make freebies but don't sell. I 'design' and have my own blog, but am by no means a professional designer. Yet if it'll help, I would like to join.
Would you let me know?
kim,I'd love to join in if that's ok hun! more than happy to help
I just heard about this and I'm not sure if I can make something by the deadline, but wanted to send my sincerest thoughts to you and your daughter. We had a house fire that completely destroyed everything when I was a child so I really do understand what your family is going through. HUGE HUGS!
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